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The Macquarie Point Development Corporation releases a variety of reports as set out in relevant Tasmanian Government policies and corporate governance protocols.


These requirements are set out in the following laws and regulations:



Ministerial DIRECTION
Quarterly reports
Quarterly Reports

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register


Macquarie Point Development Corporation complies with the whole of government gifts, benefits and hospitality policy. A copy of the policy can be found at the Department of Premier and Cabinet website.


The registers below show gifts, benefits and hospitality and their value that have been accepted or provided by Macquarie Point Development Corporation employees from 1 December 2016 to the end of the most recent quarter, in accordance with the policy.


The current financial year register will be updated on a quarterly basis.​


Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register



Procurement Review

MPDC Procurement Review - August 2022


Telecommunications & mobile devices

Organisational chart
TOTAL WORKFORCE (AT 07012025).jpg
Organisational statistics

Macquarie Point Development Corporation is a statutory authority, established through the Macquarie Point Development Corporation Act
2012. The Act sets out the Corporation’s objectives, functions and powers, in sections 6, 7 and 8 respectively. The Corporation is also an Agency within the meaning of the State Service Act 2000, with the Chief Executive Officer appointed by the Premier. The Corporation sits within the Business, Industry and Resources portfolio The Corporation has a Service Level Agreement with the Department of State Growth, which supports the Corporation’s effective operations though the provision of business support services. 


Gender diversity

Of the seventeen staff (including contractor), fifteen are full time and two are part time. Eleven staff are male and six staff are female. The Corporation’s Board, including CEO, is comprised of four men and three women.

Kim Evans, Chris Oldfield, Anne Beach, Cathy Hales and Christine Covington were directors for the full period in 2023-24. Ron Finlay and Greg Stanford commenced their term in June 2024. Brian Scullin completed his term in February 2024. Saul Esklake completed his term in October 2023.


The people behind Mac Point as at 1 November 2024; the Corporation has 16 employees, including three Senior Executive Service positions, plus one contractor (business trainee).

Senior Executive Service

Macquarie Point Development Corporation has three Senior Executive Service positions, the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Operating Officer and the Project Director Multipurpose Stadium.


Of the three positions, one is female and two are male.


The role of the Senior Executive Service is:

  • essential to public administration and to ensuring that government performs all its roles effectively and efficiently,

  • responsible for providing frank, impartial and timely advice to government as well as collaborative, innovative and high quality services to the Tasmanian community,

  • accountable for the achievement of agency and Government goals reflected in their statement of duties, instrument of appointment and performance management system,

  • required to develop and apply a broad range of knowledge, skills and abilities across the State Service,

  • required to display high level leadership and personal attributes that shape strategic thinking and achieve results on an Agency and whole-of-government basis.

Corporate Governance Policies
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