As part of our design, comprehensive solar studies have been conducted to evaluate the stadium’s impact on nearby streets, properties, and the surrounding precinct. These studies included diagrams showing overshadowing conditions at 9 a.m., 12 p.m., and 3 p.m. during the Spring Equinox and the Winter and Summer Solstices. The analysis compared current shadow patterns at the site with those that would result from the proposed stadium and future developments.
The stadium’s design features a transparent dome that has a low profile at the edges of the building and peaks over the center of the sports field, minimising shadowing impact on surrounding spaces. The dome’s gently sloping nature ensures that the bulk of the shadow falls underneath the stadium, aligning with the rear of the stands.
This design limits the extent to which shadows are cast beyond the stadium’s boundaries.
The north-eastern plaza: experiences minimal shadowing from the stadium year-round.
The north-western plaza: sees little shadowing from the stadium or the relocated Goods Shed, but is subject to some afternoon overshadowing due to future developments in the area.
The south-western plaza and Aboriginal Culturally Informed Zone: enjoy full sun from midday through the afternoon all year long.
Evans Street: remains mostly unaffected in December, but begins to experience some shadowing after midday in March, and throughout the day in June.
The south-eastern plaza: faces minor overshadowing in the morning during December and March but receives considerable shadow in June during early morning and late afternoon, with good sunlight access at midday.​
During the Winter Solstice, a small portion of the Davey Street walkway and the north-eastern side of Evans Street are in shadow at 9 a.m., with shadows retreating by midday. By 3 p.m., shadows are mostly confined to the development site. At the Spring Equinox, a small section of Davey and Evans Streets is in shadow at 9 a.m., but the shadow diminishes by midday. In the Summer Solstice, no shadowing occurs outside the stadium site.
The overall impact of the stadium’s shadow is minor, particularly given the scale of the building, and it rarely extends beyond the development boundaries. Importantly, under no circumstance will the stadium or its surrounding structures cast shadows on the Cenotaph or the surrounding landscape, preserving the integrity of the site and ensuring the uninterrupted rising and setting of the sun for commemorative events.